Saying goodbye in Togo was a little easier than in Benin. First of all we had not been there nearly as long and secondly our schedule there never allowed us to get intimately acquainted with a lot of the members. We attended Lomé Branch on Sunday because I had not yet finished the midyear audit.… Continue reading Africa to U.S.A.
A Roller Coaster of Emotions
Our last week in Cotonou has been a roller coaster of emotions as we have made our final preparations to leave and return home to our family and friends. We have grown to love so many of the members and missionaries here that it has been very difficult to say good-bye knowing that we will… Continue reading A Roller Coaster of Emotions
Cotonou Going-Away Party
Missionary regulations notwithstanding, in Africa sometimes you just do what you have to do. Regulations say don’t tend children or hold them on your lap but it didn’t say that Happy couldn’t sleep with her adopted Grandma and Grandpa so that is exactly what happened. President Ayekoue took Stephan and went to Lome in a… Continue reading Cotonou Going-Away Party
The “Finish Up with Zone Conferences” Week
This week was to be the “finish up with zone conferences” week and spend some time with President Ayekoue regarding turning things over to the Leavitts who are supposed to arrive about a month after we leave. However, in Africa there seems to be an unwritten rule that whatever you plan will not turn out… Continue reading The “Finish Up with Zone Conferences” Week
Going Home Plans
First of all some going home plans. Wow it seems like a long time since we were able to talk about going home without any guilt. Last week we got a message from President Ayekoue that he needed to arrange our travel so I guess that makes all discussion legal. We will fly from Accra… Continue reading Going Home Plans
The Voodoo Python
Ouidah is a little (by African standards) town located on the coast between Cotonou and Lome. A lot of Beninese seem to trace their roots to Ouidah as it has existed for centuries. It is also regarded as the birthplace of Voodooism. The religious and secular history of Africa is interesting and a subject I… Continue reading The Voodoo Python
Trip to Pendjari
We are very grateful to President Ayekoue giving us approval to take four days with Marlene, Aaron and Jared to go to the Pendjari National Park in Northern Benin. Our life has been centered along the coast in the large cities of Cotonou and Lome and it seemed so good to leave some of the… Continue reading Trip to Pendjari
President and Sister Harmon (Ghana MTC)
We went out to Calavie a while back to visit Mama Carole (actually Soeur Julianne, but over here you can call anyone by most any name. Since she is the mother of Carole, the girl who is on a mission, Soeur Julianne or Mama Carole work equally well). Her daughter Josianne is a cute girl… Continue reading President and Sister Harmon (Ghana MTC)
Obed’s Father Comes to Church
We actually managed to slip in a little missionary work this week in between all of the business chores that crowd our weekly schedule. There is a young man in the Gbedjromede Branch by the name of Obed. He is 12 years old and was baptized a year or so ago. Normally we don’t baptize… Continue reading Obed’s Father Comes to Church
Surviving Another Two Zone Conferences
Another two Zone Conferences have come and gone and we are attempting to get back to normal, whatever normal is here in Benin. President Ayekoue announced transfers at zone conference so that will mean another quick trip to Lome for Elder Black. We went to Lome on Tuesday, thinking that President and Soeur Ayekoue were… Continue reading Surviving Another Two Zone Conferences