Division of the Cotonou Branch

The Cotonou Branch of the Church no longer exists. Last Saturday and Sunday, December 20 and 21, President Ayekoue interviewed over 20 priesthood holders, disbanded the Cotonou Branch and replaced it with the Gbedjromede Branch, the Menontin Branch, and the Akpakpa Branch. We have a little catching up to do on the blog after last… Continue reading Division of the Cotonou Branch


Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY! As missionaries, we live closer to the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ, so, with fewer distractions this year, it is easier to keep Christ in Christmas. When Luke recorded in Chapter 2 verse 11, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David,… Continue reading Merry Christmas!


Tabaski and Transfers

We found out more about that goat market we told you about two weeks ago. The Muslim people celebrated Tabaski on Monday. We don’t know a lot about that holiday except that it seems to involve feasting on goat meat. All over the city on Monday morning there seemed to be a somewhat ceremonial slaughtering… Continue reading Tabaski and Transfers
