Charlotte managed to catch a good headcold our last day at the MTC so flying at 35,000 feet was not that much fun but we made it to Paris okay. Our VISA for Benin did come but not in enough time to get them to the MTC. We picked them up at the Church office building on the way to the airport. That was cutting it pretty close. We traveled from SLC to Cincinatti, changed planes without any layover and then on to Paris arriving about 9:00 in the morning on Saturday. It was getting dark when we left Cincinatti and then got light about 4 hours later so it was kind of a short night but a long airplane ride. About 11 hours flying time from SLC to Paris. Roselle met us at the airport and we are staying at the home of the Lazeras family. Josy fixed as fine a dinner as can be eaten anywhere in France last night. That is saying quite a lot considering the legendary French cuisine. Some of the Lazeras children and grandchildren along with Grandma and Grandpa Robert and Leone CHOLLET enjoyed the dinner along with us. We especially enjoyed the identical 6 year old twin girls of Florine and her husband. They were running everywhere and talking so fast I couldn’t catch much of what they were saying. Pierre says they have kind of developed their own language and he doesn’t understand much either which made me feel a little better. It was also the 81st birthday of Leone which was cause for additional celebration. Robert and Leone are doing quite well but continue to get older as does everyone. After arriving and getting some much needed rest, Charlotte seems to be doing better. Today we will go to Sacrament meeting with Pierre and Josy then they will take us to the airport to continue on to Benin. the flight from Paris to Benin is about 6 hours. I will post some pictures later.